A favorite saying amongst parents is that, "kids don't come with handbooks." My favorite response is my dad's, arguing there are so many educational tools to help, it is almost as if a handbook were provided (you just have to take the effort to find and read them). While it is true no two children are the same, it is also true that there are many psychologists, professors of child development, and the advice of more educationally experienced all available within the pages of books or the screen of your computer, covering many personalities and offering insight to children's behavior.
When Lincoln was born, my mom drove from California to help us "learn the ropes." My parents were beyond excited to become grandparents, and very supportive of us beginning a family. They brought articles they had saved from their years of parenting and books that helped with a clearer understanding of how to emotionally care for a child.
As my baby begins the transition into toddlerhood, I am beginning to understand the importance of such education! I've pulled down the binder filled with the articles my parents gifted us; from my readings this morning, one passage in particular stuck out to me about the importance of mother-child relationships. From the
article "Understanding emotions in early childhood helps overall health:"
One of the major factors in good emotional health in children came from a strong relationship with their mother. From a young age, a child's emotion often mirrors the expression on their mother's face. As they get older, words are added and through their vocabulary and language they are able to categorize and express emotion.
Studies showed that as mothers recognized and identified emotions, linking them with situations they were in, their children were more able to understand their emotions and act accordingly. As children understand their emotions, they are more able to understand themselves, develop morally and have a greater social understanding.
"The emotional and emotionate character of young children depends significantly on stress and support in their environments of care, especially their experience in close relationships," Dr. Thompson said. "Emotions can be confusing and sometimes overwhelming to young children. This is why what is said and how it is said is so important."
P.S. These long posts are a result of being home for too long cleaning!