Thursday, December 1, 2011

theories (on a second baby)

Last week we had dinner with two other couples who live across the street from us.  Not only was the food seriously delicious, but the hosting couple also had a little boy named Maddix that we were able to test some personal theories out on.  We've been debating the "when" of a second baby, wondering how many years to space them apart, and if we can afford it while Tyce is still in school.

 Any questions making us think twice about another baby sort of flew out the window when we saw Maddix and Lincoln together though.  Before this, we didn't have any kids with the appropriate age gap from Lincoln to compare our said theory to, but now, two year spacing seems perfect...I think my ovaries did little cartwheels?  And no Mom, I won't sign anything in blood, but it's made us baby hungry again!

By the's December!  Let the Christmas countdown begin!


  1. Everyone I know is planning a second baby. I am so not in agreeance! Ha....but that's probably because I am in toddlerhood and rapidly approaching terrible twos ( already feels like we are there) and am loving the dynamic. Man this post makes me feel left out! But babies are wonderful, so maybe I'm the crazy one!

  2. i am baby hungry right now as well. several friends just had babies this year or will be early next year. nooo fair ! when my hubby gets his butt off of worker's comp and goes back to work, we're having our second (and last). it WILL be a girl ! ;]

  3. I'm so happy!!!! just to hear you say it makes my ovaries happy and I think they were dead already!

  4. YAY! I am baby hungry too!!!!!! SO ready for another little love!

  5. Yes, yes, I am in this same dilemma! My baby girl just turned 10 months and I so want to start trying again pretty much this month. My husband's in school too! How old is your little guy? Just found your blog. Love it!
