Tuesday, December 13, 2011

oh christmas tree!

This year we were very committed to the idea of having our own Christmas tree, until we realized we are leaving for California in a week, and did we really want to come home to dead pine needles on our floor? And did we really want to purchase ornaments, a tree stand and lights, just for one week?  So in lieu of a real tree, I made one on our sliding doors with masking tape, a marshmallow garland, and a doily star.  Call me crafty!  And cheap!  Definitely not as good as the real deal, but for this year it will work for us.


  1. Makes perfect sense! Such a cute idea and Lincoln seems to love it!

  2. i LOVE it!!! fabulous idea. :D


  3. What a darling idea! Looks like little Lincoln likes the tree just as well :) Hopefully CA will warm up for you, it's been freezing here this last week!

  4. You will get to enjoy a tree in CA just like you did in ID last year. Don't worry Lincoln will get to have his fun tree experience in CA :)

  5. I'm wondering how I'm going to keep him from that tree. It's been 10 years of no babies and toddlers and I love our ornaments...Lincoln is cuter though, so I guess they'll go up on the garland on the mantle?
    Can't wait to see his face with all of the Christmas fun!!!

  6. I kind of want this in my house and we have a real tree…haha.
