Friday, August 26, 2011

a few ways my world is different now that lincoln is here

As I was getting ready to shower this morning, I sat on the edge of tub adjusting the water until it was the "perfect temperature."  Not too hot, and not too cold.  Warm enough so it wouldn't get cold halfway through the bath, but not warm enough to be hot.  Then I remembered.  It's me who will be getting in the bath, not Lincoln.  And I'm not taking a bath.  I'm taking a shower.
That made me start thinking about some of the little things that changed once baby boy entered the picture.  So I made a little list, that's in no particular order:

since what I eat, Lincoln eventually gets, I pay more attention to the cookie dough warning label: DO NOT CONSUME UNCOOKED DOUGH.  I don't follow the warning (are you kidding?), but i now feel more aware and cautious (this, ultimately, helps nothing though).

I say "hi" to random little kids who stare at me when I walk by.

uhm, my boobs?  I actually have some now?

I hesitate to wear gray now, since any baby drool on it whatsoever is very, very (very) obvious.

the word "yikes" has entered my vocabulary.  Yikes.

I like chocolate now.  Mmm Reeses peanut butter cups.

I have given heels up for the time being *sigh* because every time I wear them and have to balance myself + Lincoln, I end up hating my aching feet, then making Tyce promise he won't let me wear them the next time I think it's a good idea.  I hope you hear violins when you read this.  I sure hear them.

no dairy.  Or...not as much dairy, unless of course I want a crying baby (yea Soy)!

There's no such thing as "letting my hair down."  Not literally, anyways.  It will get pulled out, courtesy of the Linco-nater (i just now made that up).

when I hear anyone being a smidgen louder than "normal" while Lincoln is sleeping, I feel a kind of rage and aggression that cannot be articulated.  To put it simply, I want to rip their arms off and shove them down their throat.  Or something like that.

my prayers are much longer because of how thankful I am for this life, my husband is more attractive because I get to watch him be an amazing dad, and I now start each morning singing "Good Morning!  Good morning!" to my baby boy.

...just to name a few.


  1. Jen, you are such a good mom (and a gorgeous one at that)!! I love it!

  2. Aaaw, your list has a lot of similarities to mine. Made me teary.

  3. thats so cute! you are a good mama!

  4. So sweet! Life just gets way better!

  5. So I just found your blog. Your son is adorable, you are looking great and I love reading what you have to say. This post especially made me laugh cuz, well, I've been there! Looks and sounds like you're a great Momma! Congrats on the cute family! :)
