Thursday, April 26, 2012

playing lifeguard

Thank goodness the weather is beginning to warm up again, I'm so sick of our white apartment walls I could spend a day splashing paint all over them (is it insane I actually considered that a few months ago?)!

The parks in Utah usually have lots of dogs, which means throughout our walk Lincoln is either barking like a dog (because he can see one), or running up to pet one.  I'll say it again - I so wish we were able to own a dog!

Last summer we took regular Sunday walks around the park, so we thought it was a good tradition to continue...although much of our time was devoted to grabbing Lincoln right before he walked into the pond, it was a marvelous little outing, and so much more fun than last year already!


  1. i love the ones of him pointing and that one of him in midswing! so cute, that little one of yours.

  2. lincoln is precious! looks like you guys had a good time at the park.


  3. These pictures are the best. We have a dog and although I love her and could not and cannot imagine not having her in our family....they are like a second child. It's hard to take trips or go anywhere for too long because you have the dog to take care of. I begged for a puppy, I wanted one so bad. Once we had our son, though we became a little bit worse at being dog parents. (grass is always greener type of thing I guess) but they are a lot of work.

  4. Looks like you are enjoying your new camera;) Thank goodness for parks..we love them! I love the pics!

    1. you'd think we'd be enjoying our camera but we still don't have a bag for it = too scared to take it out of the house! haha, we have only used it a few times and sadly, this wasn't one of them (or the pics would've been better i'm sure)
