Friday, March 9, 2012

Dear California

We miss you.  Terribly.
And yes, those pajamas did happen.


  1. i miss california terribly too! also i have onesie pjs too. bright pepto bismal pink. just in time for easter!
    xx jes

  2. We miss you too! Love the pajamas pic, hilarious!

  3. California misses you more! True story.

  4. The older I get, the more the words of Jacob echo in my mind, "....and also our lives passed away like as it were unto us a dream..." (Jacob 7:26). I see these pictures and your stay here was over so quickly that it does almost seem like a dream.
    We loved your entire visit, there were no downtimes for us. I'm sorry your sleep worsened with the more Lincoln figured out the sleeping situation, but we loved every minute. Thanks for coming! Thanks for being such a wonderful daughter. And no, I don't care if anyone else reads this!
