Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Thai to the rescue!

We've had a rough start with solids: from a problem with malabsorption to a very late highchair, the window for an easy transition to "real food" has apparently been missed, making the transition irritating for all of us.

Luckily we've found something that is dairy free for me, delicious for Tyce, and whaaat?  Lincoln loves it too?  Done.  Wham, bam, thank you Thai Siam.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. yum! looks like mr. lincoln likes it!

  3. that does look yummy !! yay for everyone loving the same food ! ;]

  4. Eli didn't start eating solids til 10 mos. Then right before he turned a year he fell in love, eating everything. I honestly think it is when they are ready...and he is obviously not starving:) But yay for finding a food you all can enjoy!

  5. So cute! Can't wait for your visit! And no, I don't cook Thai....maybe you should?
