Saturday, October 29, 2011


So I'm just gonna say it.  We bought Lincoln a girl's Halloween costume (without realizing it).  We bought this costume months ago, and didn't think it would morph into something completely different once actually on...oops?  I thought about posting the few pictures we took while we were bent over from laughing so hard, but that would be somewhat cruel, especially since Lincoln doesn't make a cute girl (which added to how funny it looked).

Instead of go to a Halloween party without costumes, we took a walk.  A long walk.  When we got home we ordered pizza, rented Red Riding Hood, and laughed again.  Because really, what else can you do after that, you know?


  1. Dude you look soo pretty. I flipping love that outfit!

  2. What was the costume??? Nights at home are more fun anyways:)

  3. it was a could that go wrong? but trust me. it went wrong.

  4. love your jacket...and that is a funny story, I can imagine the laughter!

  5. Seriously, I'm obsessed with you right now. I'm so pinteresting you right now!

  6. hahaha! that's hilarious. I want to see! :) you could link this one up too (or instead)!

    You look gorgeous btw!

  7. Ya well I didn't have time to even get a costume so we just made last years costume work. It's hard being a parent. All of these thing used to just get taken care of by my mom now I have to get it all done. I fail all the time so I just get excited when I actually pull something off. But next year when Lincon is walking will be SO much more fun anyway!!
