Thursday, July 12, 2012

Lake Arrowhead (and feeling like a tourist).

While Lincoln and I had a weekend to ourselves in California, we decided to go to Lake Arrowhead's docks, grab a drink and cookie from a local shop, and ya "touristy."  Lincoln was game until the cookie was gone, and I wouldn't let him jump into the lake.

Even for the short time we spent there, it was fun to be back in a place that played such a major role in my adolescence.  And of course, the world looks so different with a child and as a parent, so in a way Lincoln and I were both tourists, seeing the beautiful mountain's attractions for the first time.  Only, I knew the shortcuts to get home, and I do not drive like a tourist.


  1. And also the day you came to visit Eli and I. I want that skirt. You may just have to drop it in the mail for me to borrow:)

  2. that picture of you two is adorable !
