Tuesday, March 20, 2012

my date with Hannah Marie

When I had 5 babysitters to watch Lincoln, my sister Hannah and I snuck away for some much needed girl talk and hot chocolate.  She's the kind of girl I wished I was in high school - very sociable, easy going and fun (I was an AP nerd, overly analytical, and probably too moody).

We talked so long that the coffee shop closed and we had to retreat to the car to finish our conversation, but aren't those always the best kinds of chats?

And if our day couldn't get any better, we spotted this guy walking through town.  And let me tell you, our day made room for his awesomeness...or should I say, our face made room for our smiles to get bigger!  

Unless this is your dad.  In that case, we just liked his Katy Perry-esque blue hair.


  1. you and your sister are beautiful!
    xx jes

  2. gotta love the mountain folk ! :] and i agree--you girls are beautiful !

  3. You two are so beautiful! I love when you can have those kinds of dates;) We need our post of our day! I will send you the other pics and will you do a blog? I love the that guy! He is everywhere and always dressed this way:)

  4. Love that you sisters 'like' each other, too! Being pretty is a great perk...
    but nice and loving to each other? Now that is truly beautiful.
    Love you both!

  5. he look sso happy eating that cake! I love it! You and you sister do look alike- both gorgeous!
