Tuesday, January 17, 2012

smart blonde

It's official.  I sincerely miss my blonde hair and have decided that brunette is not for me.  So let it be written, so let it be done.  I'm scheduling a hair appointment to bleachity-bleach my hair back to unhealthy heaven.


  1. lol i loved your wording in this post ! you look great both ways but i know how it is to not like the color you have and miss what you just changed it from. :]

  2. good for you, it looked great. But I understand, you gotta feel good about it too. It was a fun change right...for a little bit :)

  3. You look great as both...but blondes have more fun, right?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I've done the same thing! I was always blonde, then had the bright idea to go red/auburn... that phase lasted a week or two before I started the long transition of getting back to blonde again. Lesson learned! But it was an itch I had to scratch, and at least I can say I did try it.
    At least you only went brown and not red, my word that took months of work to get all that red out, sheesh!

  6. I have a hard time with change....as you know. So I finally get used to the brown and then you're pulling another switcharoo on me. How's a mother to know her child if she keeps changing her colors? ....I know, I know! Show me the baby!

  7. yay for blondes! can't wait to see the outcome girl. it will be beautiful!
    xo TJ
