Friday, November 4, 2011

we've been working

All week we've been trying to beat this cold.   We have been taking lots of warm bubble baths, drinking lots of water, building forts out of sheets, and cuddling under the covers.  Lincoln's cough doesn't seem as bad today, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the germs are finally retreating.  One good thing about baby boy being sick is he sleeps more, so we've been working on getting a solid sleep schedule down.  If life gives you lemons...


  1. those pictures are just the cutest things i have ever seen!
    i hope he feels better soon!

  2. seeing them sick for the first time is the hardest ! i hope he feels better asap !! :]

  3. Awww poor little guy. Baths tend to make everything better =)

    - Sarah

  4. I am well versed in the "cold" Eli gets them ALL the time since he was about 8 months old and now the Dr.'s are saying he is allergic to air! Um, okay. Baths do make them feel better and so do lots of sleeping! I love that the bath water is blue...I have yet to try that with Eli, can you believe it! Hope he feels better soon!

  5. He's so dang cute! Being sick is definitely no fun but you are right about the sleep thing! Also…the cuddling!! I looove when J is sick and wants to cuddle me! There is a silver lining in everything!

  6. Hope he feels better soon :( great blog!
