Thursday, August 25, 2011

Prairie Schooner (which means wagon, btw)

A few days ago we drove to Ogden to meet Tyce's family to celebrate his dad's birthday.  When we were almost there, I received a text telling us where they were sitting so we could find them.  It read "first wagon on the left."  I didn't realize that we were going to be seated literally inside of a wagon to eat, but then we were going to The Prairie Schooner, and I guess I just hadn't taken that seriously enough!  Inside of the restaurant there was dirt, handcarts, rattle snakes, and even an Indian, all there for your dining pleasure.  L seemed pretty excited about the scenery because it provided him with his favorite eye candy, which is fire (we hope this phase passes, naturally).  He also was endlessly entertained by everyone because they kept passing him around the table, giving Tyce and I a nice break to catch up on our meal.

Once we were in the car homeward bound, L promptly passed out.  He slept on the drive up to Ogden too, so we didn't think we would be so lucky...I guess L's finally beginning to get the car ride routine down pat!  I'm so proud.


  1. that looks like an awesome restaurant !! :] brett was fascinated by fire, also, so we have always pointed to hot stuff and said "HOT !" and of course tell him "don't touch" and now he sees fire in books, TV, on the stove, etc and points and yells "HOT !!!" and knows to keep his distance. lol kids are so funny ! :]

  2. I want to go there! How fun! Lincoln is one happy baby...either that I'd he knows how to smile on demand;)

  3. That was a fun evening! Fun pictures. Something different :)
